Dealing with Pregnancy Loss

Psychologist Dr. Julie Bindeman walks through the best ways to handle this trying experience

Dealing with Pregnancy Loss


When it comes to parenting, sometimes it seems like people have something to say about everything.

Potty training. Sleep. What your kids are or aren’t eating. Screen time. Activities.

The list goes on and on…

And yet, sometimes the things that are the hardest for us to go through end up not being talked about enough.

Or — worse still — not at all.

Pregnancy loss is one of those topics.

As the founder and co-director of Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington, psychologist Julie Bindeman, Psy-D, helps parents learn how to manage the multifaceted, emotional experience of losing a pregnancy. And as a mom and a woman who has experienced this herself, she brings the powerful insight of someone who has walked in her clients’ shoes.

This is a conversation that I hope will be helpful to many, many people, as pregnancy loss is an experience that is much more common than most of us realize — and it’s something that no one should have to manage alone.


In This Episode, We Talk About:

  • The types of pregnancy loss & why they happen
  • Why one person’s experience can be very different from another’s
  • What factors can make it more challenging to handle loss
  • How to handle it when your partner is dealing with the loss differently from you
  • How to reconnect with your partner after a loss
  • When to seek help
  • How to tell others & how to handle their reactions
  • What to say to someone who has experienced loss — and what not to say
  • How to tell your living children about the loss — including different approaches by age of your child
  • How experiencing a loss might affect your approach to subsequent pregancies
  • and a whole lot more…

Scroll up to the player above to listen, or hear it on your favorite podcast app!

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Important Resources for You to Check Out:

Books on Pregnancy Loss:

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Dealing with Pregnancy Loss
